For many Jakartans, the holy month of Ramadan means better scheduling of weekends and leisure time, what with the endless invitations to buka puasa bersama, or communal fast-breaking.
These events usually involve meeting up at restaurants or an acquaintance's house to break the fast.
"I've already received seven invites to different buka puasa bersama events so far," Merry Dianty, a secretary and a mother of one, tells The Jakarta Post. The invitations came pouring in from her clusters of acquaintances, ranging from those in her teen years to the ones from her married life, Merry says.
"I've had invites from primary school friends, Koran-recital club friends, old buddies from my former and present university, my extended family, and my husband's extended family," she says.
"When Ramadan approaches, I prepare the money I'll spend eating out during these events."
Nevertheless, she attends all the events with pleasure.
"I like going to the events, because they're a form of silaturrahmi *keeping in touch and maintaining good relations*, and I get to meet friends whom I hardly see for the rest of the year," Merry says.
She even organized a few of the events she attended this year.
"My husband and I arranged a get-together for his extended family," she explains. "We felt that as the youngest couple in the extended family, we should take the initiative."
Even non-Muslims also find themselves attending such events.
"I consider going to these events an invite to dine out," says Josephine Kartini, a Christian, adding she has attended one every couple of days this Ramadan. "Basically, I just like dining out, so I enjoy these get-togethers, especially if it involves my close friends."
"Some of the people who invite me don't even fast," graphic designer Hendra Tohjaya laughs.
The invites often come from acquaintances who are slightly closer than former school friends, he adds.
"When I take the train to visit my girlfriend on weekends, I often run into the same guys, who are all in long-distance relationships and are visiting their girls too," he says.
"And wouldn't you know it, we end up holding the get-togethers as well!"
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